Reading Right Now: January 2023

Last year I read the most books I’ve ever read - it was exhilarating. I had decreased my streaming time to allow for more reading, and what a boon that turned out to be.

I’ve decided to continue along the same plan, and this year, I will incorporate Spanish language books. Have you tried reading books in other languages? Let me know. In any case, here are some of the books I’m tackling this month. One is a holdover from last month!

1) Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. So fantastic! I have this (unfortunate?) process where I need to look up any words I don’t know as I’m reading. I like to understand what the author intended fully, and this one kept me hopping. To my vocabulary, I added ne plus ultra, rubicon, tautology, cicerone, apocryphal, bloviate, kenophobia, and many more. The Harvard-educated author did not disappoint, creating fully-realized characters that were imperfect and felt genuine. The book is set in an industry I came to appreciate more about: video games. The title alludes to Macbeth, the idea that life continues through pain, heartaches, triumph, wins, and losses. There’s a heart-wrenching scene toward the end; just a heads up!

2) The Cloisters by Katy Hays. Paging Creatives is an online book club I co-host for creatives, and we go from novels to biographies to business books and back again. The selections always need to be creatively inclined, and this one (for January) is set in The Cloisters, a gothic museum and garden renowned for its medieval art collection. The Cloisters are a part of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, too. I can’t wait to discuss this book- it has everything: mystery, murder, and mayhem. Its central theme revolves around destiny - are our lives already decided?

3) The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington. This one was recommended to me by a mentor, who told me she once asked an entrepreneur friend how she got so much done. Her friend recommended this book as a must-read. I can’t wait to dig in fully.

What are you reading? Chat soon, dear Readers!


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